Benefits of Healthcare Information System

Technological advancement brought enormous changes in all sphere of business verticals in the world. Innovations in healthcare industry brought dramatic developments in delivering quality care to the patients. Let’s find out the major benefits of Healthcare Information System (HIS) and how it changed the sending and receiving the information across various departments in hospital setting.

Benefits of Healthcare Information System

Organized Treatment Process

It’s easy to transfer the protected data of the patients with Healthcare Information System. Most of the patients with both acute and chronic disease condition requires treatment by multiple speciality doctors. Quality care can be ensured by sending the records and reports without any delay across various departments in any healthcare institutions. Healthcare Information System can be implemented in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary healthcare Institutions.

Performance Analysis

Healthcare Information System helps to analyse the data easily. Since the data is recorded and stored in digital format, there is very less paperwork is needed in hospitals. It’s easy to analyse the data which is in digital format. Quality of patient care can be analysed, the performance or treatment regime for a particular disease condition can be analysed and with the analysis the hospitals can create a standing instructions for the disease management. Technological advancement like Healthcare Information System helps in managing a pandemic like COVID-19, novel corona virus infections which created a havoc in the world. There will be a question, How healthcare information system helps in Managing the disease condition like COVID-19? Usually with COVID-19 infections people go to very critical health condition with life threatening symptoms. COVID-19 has unique nature, people will not have any symptoms initially and it spreads from person to person very easily. By analysing the symptoms, disease prognosis helps to rule out management guidelines or protocol for the COVID-19.

Cutting Down the cost

Cost in healthcare can be controlled. Since the data is stored digitally there is no need to keep the records and reports. Unnecessary printing can be avoided, because of this hospitals can go paperless and filmless.

Betterment in Patient Care

Knowing about patient’s information like drug allergy, vaccinations, past and present medical history, surgical history, congenital anomalies, hereditary disease etc.. helps in providing better care. For example, if a patient is having clotting disorder, the health professionals can take necessary precautions while rendering care to the patient. Another example, a nurse can ensure the availability of antidote in Intensive care unit to manage a health emergency from adverse drug reaction.

Population Health Management: The aggregated data collected by Healthcare Information Systems can identify trends within the population, which can lead to better decision making and preparations.

Abstracts from various studies conducted on healthcare information system proved that it has the following benefits 1) Improved information access, 2) Increased healthcare professionals productivity, 3) Improved efficiency and accuracy of coding and billing, 4) Improved quality of healthcare, 5) Improved clinical management (diagnosis and treatment), 6) Reduced expenses associated with paper medical records, 7) Reduced medical errors, 8) Improved patient safety, 9) Improved patient outcomes and 10) Improved patient satisfaction.

In a nutshell, definitely one can say that the implementation and use of Healthcare Information System will be beneficial to the healthcare institutions as well as patients.